From Inner Turmoil To Lasting Wholeness

Freedom from stress, freedom from anxiety, freedom from

trauma responses.

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There is a way of aligning with harmony and wholeness

The reality is that most healing methods simply don’t go deep enough. We can often believe that the deepest healing path is the one that is the most difficult one. The truth is the deeper we go the less afraid we will be to face anything within us, making our entire journey much easier!

The benefits of this course include...

Rewiring your subconscious mind while releasing limiting beliefs and the wounds you have been carrying with ease!

Resolving your family dynamic and releasing ancestral patterns of transgenerational trauma.

Awakening your true authentic self while learning how to flow in harmony with your life.

Moving into a life of purpose and fulfilment, while stepping into your highest potential.

What others have said

Rimjhim Singh

Personally, for me, I was able to transition from being governed by fear almost all my life to becoming one with change and flow, it was such a euphoric moment in my life. The shift was massive and it was only conceivable because of Martin.


Rimjhim Singh

I experienced so much compassion, kindness, and wisdom that it was easy for me to relax and to follow his guidance. I had never experienced something like that before. I experienced deep healing and transformation.

Transformational coach

Stephanie Palermo

I feel very blessed to have met Martin and to have been aided by his insightful words and healing energy. After each of our sessions, I felt an "upgrade" of sorts that has propelled me forward on my path. My gratitude knows no bounds.


Alon Krausz

Martin is a healer with an enormous potential. I have achieved tremendous results with him in a very short amount of time. He creates a safe space to work with. Thank you Martin, for everything you have done. I am eternally grateful.

Spiritual seeker

Bachtar Taraki

How is this course different from

other programs?

Most self-help programs don’t properly address our nervous system while they try to rewire the subconscious mind!

Most healing programs focus on our emotional wounds, without actually addressing the beliefs that are running the show!

It is the unique combination of both addressing our emotions &

our subconscious beliefs that creates a lasting transformation, all the while healing our nervous system.

This course will serve you in two major ways

One: You will be taken on a transformative journey through many guided visualizations and interactive exercises.

Two: You will be given the tools to navigate any psychological and emotional challenges with ease, allowing you to grow with every challenge and adversity in your life.

I personally vouch for the contents of this course. These exact techniques, processes and practices that I have put into this course, are the same techniques that have without exaggerating saved my life.

The inquiry process into the beliefs within my nervous system, and my subsequent ability to fully accept anything arising within my emotional body, and heal any trauma that I have survived, transformed an inner hellscape into a lasting sense of wholeness.

It was a doorway into true empowerment.

When I realized that no-one else was teaching this, I decided that things needed to change. That is why I have created this course. So you too can experience the incredible healing and transformation this course can provide you with.

I want you to have this. Frankly, I want everyone on this planet to learn

what is contained within this course. That is how deeply I believe in it.


The course curriculum

The course contains 24 lessons within eight chapters that all have a unique theme.

What does your

nervous system


You will be taken on an

experiential journey,

learning how to

inquire into the beliefs

within your nervous



Healing your

family dynamic


You will gain the

opportunity to start

releasing ancestral

patterns and beliefs

we have taken on in our





You will learn the

essential role of

healing invalidation

in our healing process,

with practical ways of

validating anything

within you.

Healing every

layer of our pain


You will learn how every

emotional layer within

us can be healed by

releasing our beliefs

and rewiring our

subconscious mind.

Healing your


You will be presented

with a unique way of

releasing negative

self-worth, and learn

practical ways of

stepping into your

innate infinite worth.


Integrating your



You will integrate the

transformative journey

of this entire course,

while allowing yourself

to step into the highest

version of yourself.

Embodying your

highest values


You will go through an

experiential journey of

identifying and

embodying your

highest values, while

aligning your choices

with them.

Awakening your

creative potential


You will gain a chance

to get more in touch

with your innate

creative power dwelling

within you, embracing

its transformative


As a gift to you, the course contains a bonus chapter called

‘The gift of forgiveness’, which clarifies what it truly means to forgive.

I want to experience this!

Frequently asked questions

What is the price for this course?

What is the refund policy?

Is any previous education required?

How long does it take to complete this course?

Can I come back to this course at any time?

If you have any further questions

please contact

Select from pricing options bellow

Early bird pricing!

If you are not happy with the contents of the course, you can receive

a full refund within ten days of making your purchase.

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5 Social Profiles

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5 Social Profiles

5 Scheduled Posts Per Profile

400+ Templates

Calendar View

24/7 Support

Start My 15-day Trial



This option is recommended for those who don’t have a regular income, or are struggling to make ends meet.

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This is the regular price for the value of this course, recommended for most individuals.

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This option is for those who are feeling generous, and have the ability to contribute more.

By choosing a higher price, you are helping to support those who can’t afford to pay the full price.

P.S. This course may bring up unresolved experiences from the past so

they can be cleared and healed. Please exercise your own discernment.

Sample lesson from the course

About me

Hi! My name is Martin, and I am on a mission. A mission to deliver this method of healing to all hearts that are ready to heal. When I found out that nobody was teaching this, it lit a fire of passion inside of me.

I know first hand the depth of transformation and relief these practices can deliver to the human heart. After nearly a decade of studying the healing arts, and guiding others through their healing process, I am here to finally deliver you a depth of transformation that you deserve.

No gimmicks, no shallow teachings about raising your vibration and bypassing your pain. But true healing, true liberation, and a depth of authenticity, that can transform your entire life.